For your wedding, there are a wide variety of treatments that will help you look great. a toned body and perfect skin for the big day. However, it is essential to draw up an action plan that allows these treatments to be carried out with the timing appropriate. At Solmax Santander we tell you what beauty protocol you can follow before saying yes and we advise you to give you this totally personalized service. Next, we will tell you what they are the most common aesthetic treatments in our center before the wedding and when it is advisable to perform them.



A combination of physical exercise with a body remodeling treatment It would be the ideal option to show off a perfect silhouette facing the wedding. With this type of aesthetic treatments at Solmax Santander we manage to combat sagging, cellulite and even localized fat.

The most outstanding body treatments among brides to reshape, firm and tone are:


Adipologie is a remodeling aesthetic treatment that acts on localized fat through the application of high intensity and low frequency ultrasound. This treatment not only acts on fat, eliminating it, but also promotes collagen production. allowing to firm tissues and combat cellulite.


This treatment uses air pressure to perform lymphatic drainage. Thus contributing to the cellulite removal and the stimulation of the circulatory system allowing the oxygenation of all tissues


Wonder muscle toning is a technique based on electrostimulation that promotes fast fat removal and the muscle development. Furthermore, one of the great advantages of this technique is that long-lasting and visible results are achieved in just a few sessions.



Preparing the face with sufficient advance notice is essential if we are looking for unify our skin tone, give it vitality or combat the signs of age and stress for the wedding. Depending on the specific needs of each person, the facial treatment to choose for this purpose will be different.

The facial treatments for brides most common are:


Microneedling with Dermapen is a revolutionary treatment for facial rejuvenation. It is a technique that stimulates collagen production, allowing skin regeneration through the use of micro needles. Redensifies your skin and noticeably reduces wrinkles, spots, scars or any other type of skin imperfection.

Magic Glow Treatment

For rough, irregular skin or skin with visibly larger pores. This facial treatment softens the texture of the skin, giving it uniformity and juiciness at the same time.


Are you looking for a lifting effect? This innovative treatment uses an ultrasound beam to tissue remodeling, allowing the skin of the face to be firmed and given that lifting effect without the need for surgery.



A light tan on your skin is the ideal option to show off your wedding dress in the best possible way on the big day. In Solmax Solarium Santander you can achieve that with a few solarium sessions. even tan in a soft tone that so favors.



The time has come to release the tension accumulated by the entire wedding organization and start relaxing. A good massage like Vadder or Maderotherapy Not only will it allow us to disconnect, it will also help us to reduce swelling, activate our body and prevent fluid retention.

Vadder Lymphatic Drainage

Through a relaxing and painless massage, this technique is capable of acting on the lymphatic system. reducing swelling in arms, legs and feet. Thanks to the elimination of toxins in the body, you will recover your physiological well-being and feel lighter.

wood therapy

Wood therapy is a massage technique that uses wooden elements to exert different pressures on the body. Among its benefits we find that it reduces both joint and muscle pain and prevents fluid retention. It is a treatment of muscle activation and toning.




At Solmax Santander we offer you professional advice and a wide variety of postpartum aesthetic treatment options so that you can find the one that best suits your needs. Call now 942 938 904 and request an assessment session!