Get in shape with an electrosuit and lying on a stretcher. That is what we propose to you at Solmax Santander The system is called Wonder and is based, according to the clinic's experts, on electromagnetic emissions and electrostimulation. How did it turn out? Well, we'll tell you about it in the first person: it feels like you're being stuck with needles very quickly, but it doesn't hurt much, so it's not that bad either. The session lasts 25 minutes.

Wonder promises results to show off a flat abdomen as well as more upturned, firm and toned buttocks.

It can be, perhaps, a support (together with a good diet and a little more exercise: it doesn't do magic either) to get in shape. It is a system that, by causing strong and deep muscle contractions, activates fat loss in the localized area, as well as strengthening and toning the area. That is the theory.

The person who has introduced this system is a Spanish company 100% that has created the first and only equipment that simultaneously combines high-intensity electromagnetic emissions and focused electromagnetic stimulation.

Through the use of technology to mimic and amplify the signals that the brain sends to the muscles from the most superficial to the deepest to cause them to contract thousands of times per second (up to 36,000 times or more), shaping trunk and leg muscles, revitalizing connective tissue and reducing cellulite.

The results can begin to be seen in 4-6 weeks, so the treatment would produce a faster and more effective effect than conventional slimming treatments.