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Body remodeling by activating metabolism at the cellular level for faster and longer-lasting results

The proion system Indiba© is an aesthetic technique directed firm and rejuvenate the skin, regenerating collagen cells and reducing fat. He Indiba method© helps the skin to be more hydrated, look brighter, produces a firming effect, improves circulation and reduces tissue inflammation.

This technique is based on the heat emitted by radio frequency, raises the internal temperature of the body and achieves the desired regenerative effect. It is a very safe method with few contraindications.

He Indiba method© is aimed at all those men and women who want regain a younger appearance or recover the firmness of the skin in some areas of the body, either due to aging or injuries.

Benefits modeling of your silhouette with body reduction: abdomen, hips, flanks and hips. Firming, notably improving sagging and having a tightening effect push-up in glutes. Reduces cellulite and stretch marks

  • Firms the skin of the arms, belly, legs, flanks and buttocks.
  • Reduce the perimeter bodily.
  • Eliminates localized fat.
  • Improves the quality of the fabric.
  • Moisturizes the skin.
  • Reduction of edema.

Sculpt Method body treatment



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95,00 1.000,00 

Capacity: 1 | Duration: 45 or 75min
Indiba Radiofrequency Body sculpt method
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