Technology of this type helps to focus or direct ultrasound to a small and specific area. With the extra-fine transducers that compose it, the facial cartridges of this machine help to spread the MFU energy evenly in the areas of the face to be treated, at different depths depending on the expected result.
HIFU ULFIT classys facial
Benefits Skin tightening – Cheek lift – Remodeling of the V-shaped facial contour – Redefinition of the mandibular arch – Double chin treatment – Fat reduction – Neck and décolleté rejuvenation – Eyebrow lift – Upper eyelid retraction
Procedure During the treatment, we deposit focused ultrasonic energy at multiple depths and in programmed sequences to achieve a lifting effect without surgery and a tightening of the skin. You can undergo this treatment throughout the year and the number of sessions varies depending on the case to be treated and the objective of the treatment, but in most cases it is between 1, 2 or 3 sessions per year. Generally, the results of these treatments are visible between 4 to 12 weeks after completing the treatment, but this will depend on each client, since for some only one session is enough.
MFU Technology
Micro Focused Ultrasound
This treatment is used to treat problems such as:
- Small wrinkles in the neckline area.
- The bags that usually appear under the eyes.
- Very marked facial wrinkles and expression lines.
- Skin relaxation and laxity around the mouth, eyes and chin.
Results The first effects of the treatment HIFU ULFIT Facial They are instantaneous and become more evident as the weeks go by, presenting the peak of results after approximately 3 months.
Ulfit™ treatment areas:
The treatment can be complete facial or can focus only on the area of concern; (periorbital + eyebrows + forehead) or (perioral + cheekbone + nasolabial) or (neck + oval + double chin) or neckline.
What is Ulfit™?
Ulfit™ is an innovative HIFU device developed by the Korean brand Cluederm. Ulfit™ provides facial results through MFU (Micro Focused Ultrasound) and MFCU (Macro Focused Circular Ultrasound) technologies.
Why Ulfit™?
Ulfit™ devices operate safely and with the highest precision of ultrasound waves. Ulfit™ has established itself in top-level clinics and aesthetic centers in Europe, the United States, Australia and other countries thanks to its high-quality treatments.
How does Ulfit™ work?
Ulfit™ works by emitting high intensity micro focused ultrasound pulses on three layers of the skin to tighten through heat between 60 to 70°C, thermocoagulating the affected tissue layers; tightening muscles, activating subcutaneous tissue and dermis where fibroblasts and granulation tissue will be activated to form type III collagen after 3 to 6 weeks of treatment, then, the activation of fibroblasts in the treated area and tissue regeneration will lead to the formation of type I collagen after 6 to 12 weeks, which is much more stable and will support the treated skin, thus causing a lifting result and reducing the signs of aging, so the skin will soften, look firmer and more vital.
Ulfit™ on the face acts at 3 depths:
At 4.5mm depth it reaches the SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system), which is the support structure of the essential connective tissue in the facelift points.
At 3.0mm, which is where the stem cells or fibroblasts and macrophages are, responsible for improving the quality of the skin and producing collagen.
In 1.5mm where the dermis is located, responsible for providing main support to the superficial skin, this layer is tightened and its quality, softness and appearance are improved.
In facial treatments, millimetric precision and safety of the equipment are essential for the client. We recommend relying on well-known brands such as Ulfit™, Ultraformer or Ultherapy.
225,00 € – 550,00 €
Facial Rejuvenation with MF Technology
Facial rejuvenation is usually done through the ultrasound technique, used to stimulate collagen production. Ultrasound is applied to the area of the skin to be treated, which is what it does: tighten the skin by eliminating sagging, As it is applied, the skin tissue is strengthened and renewed, providing a youthful and fresh appearance.
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